Celebration of Life

A decision has been made to move this event to Evergreen Park.  While not the beloved farm, it does house the local racetrack, casino, and simulcast viewing, so it goes without saying that Barb and Al spent a lot of time there.  Al would approve the move as he loved the place. The family wants to be sure that all that attend are well cared for. Given the uncertainty of the weather, numbers, and the ability to accommodate if estimations are wrong, we felt it was the best move to leave it to the pros. A tough decision but one that makes the most sense under the circumstances.

A Celebration of Al will take place:

June 27, 2024
Tara Centre – Evergreen Park
3:00 PM Start
Food & Beverages will be served. Plan to stay and reminisce with friends.

This is a “come as you are” event.  That is how Al received people – just as they are.

Remembering Al Side
June 27, 1933 - October 25, 2023

About Al

Al Side reluctantly bid farewell to this world on Oct. 25, 2023, in Rancho Mirage, California at the age of 90. His last hours were spent with his loving wife of almost 70 years, Barbara, his daughters Linda and Rhonda, and his sons, Doug and Richard.

Al Side (Hassen Alex Side) was born in Dilke, Saskatchewan, June 27, 1933 the third youngest of ten children born to Alex Side (Gebara) and Latifa Side (Farhat) , hard-working immigrants from the Beqaa Valley in Lebanon.

His formative years were spent in rural Saskatchewan where his folks homesteaded and according to Al, unsuccessfully farmed rocks. They worked very hard to provide for their large family later turning to running a nearby general store and meat market  during the depression. Alex and Latifa ran those markets with all 12 family members living in the back of the store. Al’s bed was in the cupboard above the cold storage.  His parents were admired in the region especially during the depression years when people depended on the goods and credit offered at the store.

It seems peddling goods was in the DNA. Al said that he was “raised on the counter” of that shop/home, where he acquired his life-long passion for commerce, family and community. It was also there that Al’s negotiating skills were honed while navigating other business at the local pool hall. 

His older brothers went off to serve with most of the young men in Dilke and when the rest of the family moved to settle in Edmonton in the 1940’s and join a growing Lebanese community, Al was but a wide-eyed teen.

Al’s real journey began when he followed his sisters up the Alaska Highway in the early 1950’s, seeking adventure and fortune. Performing wheel alignments and selling custom suits in Fort Nelson may seem like an odd combination today but it underscores Al’s resourcefulness and his ability to identify demand and rare opportunities.  It also explains his finding Barbara Harrison, his “rare gem.”  Captivated by this petite beauty, Al was elated to discover that Barb found him “just the right height for dancing.” They tied the knot in Edmonton in 1954 and the great dance began; an extraordinary partnership that would reap life’s richest rewards. Barb often would say that her heart skipped a beat when Al pulled into the driveway, and Al always gave Barb the credit for how far their journey had taken them.  In September they celebrated 69 years of happy marriage.  That tells you a little something about their passion and commitment.

Al returned to Edmonton in 1958, with a young family, and a burgeoning career with McCoy Brothers Brake and Steering.  It was not long before Bert McCoy recognized Al’s ability to put a deal together, promoting him from mechanic to business development man. In 1962, the McCoys transferred Al and his growing family to Dawson Creek, BC to manage their shop there and in Fort St. John. In 1969 Al moved the family to Grande Prairie, Alberta, on the eve of one of the most remarkable economic booms in Canadian history. Al opened Northern Metalic and began to build and develop businesses and partnerships across AB, BC, the Yukon, and NWT.  He claimed that it was the ideas that attracted the best talent available. His expectations were high. As it turned out, there was never a shortage of ideas and Al was always surrounded by exceptional people.  

The power of Al’s ideas, and business acumen was unstoppable.  Today, the Side Group of Companies includes Northern Metalic Sales, Baron Oilfield Supply, Paragon Oilfield Supply, Baron Industrial Projects, Visa Rentals & Leasing, Devco Developments, AAA Safety, Northern Metalic Lubricants, Side Group Rail, GP Reload  – as well as the many affiliate companies that were developed, kept or sold the over the last 55 years – among them Prairie Truck & Trailer, Tri Northern Steel, Northern Husqvarna, Alberta Chain, Visa Welding, Nighthawk Vacuum Service spans the western provinces and territories. The evolution has taken them from industrial and oilfield supply and services houses to supply chain management and logistics, property and land development, vehicle rentals and leasing, lubricants distribution, field safety services, rail transload and facilities, transportation and finance with over 600 valued people and numerous skilled business partners that will carry on his legacy.

A trait among successful entrepreneurs is the ability to reinvent themselves and adapt seamlessly to changing circumstances, whether favorable or challenging, uplifting or disheartening. Al demonstrated an extraordinary agility to adapt and to seize opportunities where others might run for cover. His tolerance for risk was tempered by an unwillingness to put it all at stake.  That said, he took risks over the course of his life that would make others pale.  And, if it were all to disappear tomorrow, he would tell you that he still had what really mattered – his family.

Al had interests beyond work, but made it clear that when you enjoy what you do, you can’t really classify any of it as work.  His curiosity about the world and human potential led him to hobbies that mirrored his passion for business. He loved to travel.  He was delighted when he and some of his buddies purchased a fishing lodge at Margaret Lake. They all flew planes – some better than others – and loved to fish. The stories garnered from that chapter of his life are still being told.  The idea of being a trapper also intrigued him so when the opportunity arose, he partnered in a registered trap line. Over their many years together, Barb and Al travelled the world and always had plenty of stories to share of their escapades and the characters they met along the way. Since the early 1990’s, Palm Springs became a winter home base for golf and for visiting car shows, horse breeders, and the track at Santa Anita.

Barb and Al’s love of horses first emerged in the 1970’s when they became a major sponsor on the professional Chuckwagon circuit.  Later the couple’s enthusiasm for thoroughbred racing yielded much joy and numerous accolades, including winning the 2010 Canadian Derby with Barb’s horse, “No Hesitation.”  In his final days, Al was looking forward to training his most recent colts and strategizing with Barb for even more triumphs in upcoming racing seasons. Being from Saskatchewan, Al was always captivated by farming and in 1995 he acquired one just outside of Grande Prairie. With its horses, bison, birds, wildlife, and bountiful oat crop of 2023, Hilltop was his true paradise and playground. Home.

Al Side is predeceased by his infant daughter Deborah Elaine, daughters Wendy Elaine and Barbara Anne, his brothers Sam and Butch, sisters Anne, Mickey, Nettie, and Nedima.

Left to mourn this loss is Al’s large and loving family including his adoring wife and lifelong partner, Barbara, sister Tina Reimer, his brothers Dan Side (Trudy) and Jim Side, brother in law Dick Harrison sons Doug Side (Debbie), Richard Side (Martina), daughters Linda Side (Jim Munro), Rhonda Side (Jeremy Walker), grandchildren David Side (Jessica), Alexander Side (Vicky), Michael Side (Kelleigh), Brendan Side, Scarlett Side, Jessica Winnemuller (Michael), Megan Rycroft (Kenton), Allan Gudlaugson (Stephanie), Sarah Moug (Jeff), Asia Munro, Rebecca Moug, Tianna Munro, Delaina Moug, Robert Laffoon, Brian Spencer, Devon Side-Walker, Christopher Side-Walker,  great-grandchildren Vesa, Kayden, Willow, Alexus (Jarred), Matthew, Charis, Daniel, Oliver,  Benji, Nova and great-great grandson Noah.

Al’s lifestyle did not change with success, or with age. He continued to greet each day with enthusiasm and worked harder than most 40-year-olds. 

And he never lost the wide-eyed fascination that characterized his youth.  That meant he was also interested – genuinely interested in what other people were thinking, feeling, doing and saying. That curiosity informed his own unique perspective and creativity that so many benefit from today. Al, at 90, was one of the most curious and relevant people on the planet. It was his signature “Wow!” that made everyone he spent time with feel they had a special connection with him. And indeed, they did.

None of what Al accomplished was motivated by recognition or notoriety, though some of his antics may have garnered him that. After Al passed his family received a deluge of stories and messages. For that the family is genuinely humbled and moved. We encourage you to continue to share those memories on this website created as a place to share stories, pictures and videos of Al.  These stories will honor and help paint the colorful picture of his large and long life.

A celebration of Al will take place in the spring at the farm – the birds will be singing, the grass will be green – he would love that. 

Memorial donations can be made to an endowment fund established at the Northwestern Alberta Foundation in the name of Barb and Al Side or to The Grade Three Reading Academy.

Al shared the same view as Mr. Armstrong that despite the wreck the world was in if you could find the love, happiness and beauty…it was a wonderful thing.

Messages and Stories

Al is one of the most kindhearted people I’ve met; as everyone called him Grandpa, I did the same eventually. I’m Gracie, and I was their PSW for 6 years. I’m fortunate enough to have some memories and bonding moments. Grandpa is a very hardworking man, so active, a person who doesn’t know how to take any rest at all. That’s how he is. Palm Springs has been a special place for so many years of going down south every winter. During my first year in Palm Springs, Al always had road trips or things to do for us. We always go to the casino, which is Grandma’s favourite place, to have some entertainment and watch shows. I will not forget when we watched the Festival of Light’s Parade downtown; we totally enjoyed it, and it was memorable. I am beyond grateful for everything. I also remember that he treated us to celebrate my birthday at their favourite restaurant, Billy Reeds, which was special. He always had his praise for all of his grandkids, and that’s something remarkable for him. For the years I’ve spent with them, I witnessed how deep their love for each other is. Al and Barb’s partnership is immeasurable and one of a kind. His passing saddened everyone’s hearts and was so unexpected. Fly high, Grandpa. Thank you for all the unwavering support, love and kindness; I am truly honoured our paths crossed and was able to take care of you for years..

Shared by Gracie Pasia

It was great that Al and Barb, Linda could attend Ann’s Interment a few weeks ago in Creston!

Shared by Schell

I first met the Side family at an event I was speaking at in Grand Prairie. I was working for CN Rail and naturally I wasn’t the most appreciated person speaking during the event and I was new to both the area and my job. After the event I had a brief meeting with the Side family and I did not know what we were going to talk about but within 5 minutes I felt that I met someone that I wanted to be around and listen to and talk with for ever. Al made you feel secure because he cared about what you had to say and he made you feel welcome. He had no need to be that way, he could have discounted someone like me and many others, considering what he had done with his life, but no matter what, he always had time to listen and care and make you feel important. He was a man among men. His curiosity, his thirst for learning and making something better, his belief that no matter what, if you don’t try, it won’t happen, made him feel like a soul mate to me. Over the years my wife Kelly and I have had the great fortune to be around Al, lovely Barb – the female version of Al – and their wonderful family, especially the girls, their husbands and the wonderful grandkids. Moving away from the west because of job commitments reduced the opportunity to be around Al, Barb and the family but we kept in touch through an Al “email” and always when we went to our place in Palm Springs we would find out if they were there and at least have a lunch or dinner, or watch Barb at the casino taking in the Pennie’s.

I can’t tell you how much we are going to miss him, but he’ll always be our hearts and I’ll always think about the times we were privileged to be in his presence.

Going to miss him badly, but we’re so happy we got to spend time on this earth with him.

Goodbye my friend I’m going to miss you.

Shared by Mike Corey

Al combining his Oat Crop 2023.

Shared by Mike Head

Wow, where do I begin. Grampa has been a constant pillar in my life for the past 25 years. He’s worn many hats in my eyes; Grampa, leader, neighbour, and dad. Most recently he has become my friend. The last few years I’ve spent my most cherished days with him and gramma on our farm – we became good, good friends. Growing up next door, I never took into account the absolute luxury and honour of getting to spend our days with together. I will always, always miss it. It’s tough to navigate without him, but I know he’s guiding us through every moment of this new world. So long as we know he’s with us, it will always be a wonderful world.

“When the people we love leave us, they take a piece of us with them, and we a piece of them.” – Gramma

Shared by Delaina Moug

Al Side Oct 25, 2023

“I hear you’re looking for some horses to train. I will find you some.” These were the words that pulled me solidly into Barb and Al’s orbit in the spring of 2006.

My son, Matti, had been severely brain damaged in a MVA in January of 2004, and I was still trying to find a way to reconnect him with reality. I thought that since he had been raised with race horses, it might pull him out of his twilight zone if I immersed him in that world again. The problem was that I was paralyzed. My brain damaged son and I were not a good gamble for anyone looking for a race horse trainer.

True to his word, Al brought us three race horses. We spent that summer racing Barb and Al’s B-circuit horses in Grande Prairie. It was so much fun!

Four years later, in the fall of 2010, tragedy had struck my family again when Matti shot and killed his father. Barb and Al once again jumped into the fray with us. Their support was huge and helped enable me to hold things together.

In 2016, I released a memoir. Once again, Barb and Al were my champions. Supporting me throughout, and even sponsoring a memorable book launch at the Dinosaur Museum.

Our common interests in artwork and horse racing provided endless fodder for our visits.

Al’s and my latest conversations involved comparing notes on our experience with a radiologist, Dr. Verbeek, at the Grande Prairie cancer center. “He’ll look after you good.” Al told me. “He knows what he’s doing.”

Through the years I’ve benefited immeasurably from having Barb and Al in my life. The main benefit, though, is the determination they’ve always inspired in me to try to live up to the faith they’ve had in me. It has been an honour.

Shared by Holly Crichton

Hi, my name is Robb and I was lucky enough to be one of the many many grandkids. From as early as I can remember grandpa was my absolute hero. He was the coolest guy, a full grown kid who had ALL the coolest toys.

I was telling Rhonda just a couple weeks ago that when I was in high school, there was multiple instances where I’d be playing a football game on a Saturday in Grande Prairie, and I’d look over to the sideline, and grandpa would be there. I never once invited him, I don’t think we ever even really talked about it. I would just look over sometimes and he would be there and then he’d pull the Arab goodbye and disappear without a trace.

When I was 12, he gave me my first job at the farm. $5 an hour to clean the shop at the farm. I never asked him for the job, one day he just walked me over to the shop and put me to work. When I was 13 and my mom wanted to toss me on a plane to my dads for being a bad kid, he took me in to work off my debts at the farm. When I was 22, he gave me my first car, the red T bird. I think for a long time when I was a kid I was convinced I was his favorite grandkid. “We must have more in common, we have a real tight bond, he’s always looking out for me”, I would tell myself. Then I got older and realized that’s just the guy he was, he had that with every single one of us. We were all the favorite.

My grandpa is literally the most successful man I’ve ever known. As a child I would feel so much pride driving along 108 st and seeing this little mini industrial empire that he built through old fashioned hard work. Yet his business accomplishments paled in comparison to his true passion, which was his family and of course, Grandma. His dedication to all of us was immeasurable. He was there for nearly all of our births. Didn’t matter if it was in Grande Prairie, Vancouver, or Hawaii. Grandma and Grandpa were there. When my mom was in her final days at the old QE2 hospital, he cleared his schedule and barely left her side (much to her chagrin). He was truly the most dedicated and passionate man that I have ever known, and I consider myself so lucky to have had him in my life and to be a part of this family.

Thank you for everything, Al. You will never be forgotten.

-Robb, Benji, Nova.

Shared by Robb Laffoon

Five days before Barb and Al headed to their winter home in Palm Springs, I stopped on my way to the farm for a little visit. I couldn’t help but admire the excitement on Barb’s face, knowing that she wouldn’t have to face the harsh cold of winter here in Grande Prairie.

Al was sitting in his swimming pool area, surrounded by his beautiful tropical plants. We reflected on the joyful times we’ve shared. I had a print of a picture I had taken to give them, a memory of one of their mares and foal. It’s in these moments of reminisce that a song comes to mind, “The Dance” by Garth Brooks. Little did we know the sad news we would soon receive.

We all remember Al for his infectious enthusiasm and his willingness to lend a helping hand. I’m not sure if Mike would have hauled farming equipment across the river for just anyone, but for Al, he did it with a smile. I’m grateful that Mike had him driving the combine this fall.

As we come together in this moment, let us remember Al not for the sorrow of his passing, but for his love of life and the way he embraced it to the fullest. In his memory, may we also find the inspiration to cherish every moment and live life with the same enthusiasm that he did.

Shared by Carol Head

There are two memories I have of Al, the first is Al always sitting in his lazyboy chair, behind his newspaper….in the the living room of the house on 87 ave. The second memory that sticks out to me, is Al playing his Atari game in that same livingroom.
To the side family, we are extending our sincerely condolences & heartfelt sympathy on the loss of a life well lived.

Shared by Karen & Jim DUNN

The few interactions that I had with Al Side caused me to have a great respect for this gentleman. Small in stature but very big in heart. He rarely caught a ride in the “company” aircraft. “The plane was so that our people don’t have to drive the Pine Pass, especially in the winter.” He usually visited me in the cockpit at least once each flight. Unfortunately it always seemed to be when I was busy with ATC and so our visits were short. Often, with a modicum of pride, he would remark “What a great plane this was,” before he returned to his seat. There was not a flight where I did not have to admonish him for trying to do my job and handle the suitcases, whether loading or unloading. Some of those suitcases were heavy, even for me. My best memories of Al will be about how he doted on Barb. The air stair into the plane was a real challenge for Barb. It was only under his close supervision that he allowed me to closely follow her up the stairs in case she slipped. My last memory was just the day before he passed – that time was the only time he listened to me when I would not let him be our baggage handler. Rest in Peace, Al. You have certainly earned it.

Shared by Michael Mohr

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